Walk It Like I Talk It: Living out the Teachings of Jesus in Today's World

Many talk it, but few walk it: learn to live out the teachings of Jesus in the modern world.

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"If it don't make dollars..."

Saturday May 18, 2019

Saturday May 18, 2019

This episode looks at a few different issues, including working for money, economic security, and forsaking possessions for Christ. Listen to it for inspiration and encouragement; but expect to be a bit challenged by what you hear as well! (Listen time: ~8 minutes)
EMAIL: itsinsideyou@gmail.com
INSTAGRAM: @itsinsideyou3


Sunday May 12, 2019

Sunday May 12, 2019

"Rebellion" is a term that is used a lot in the Old Testament in particular. But Jesus never used the term... at least not explicitly. Despite that fact, religious leaders - including Christian leaders - are often quick to use the label against any who dare challenge their 'divine' or 'sacred' authority. Are they right? Or are they wrong? Listen to this episode for some food for thought on that question.
-- itsinsideyou.home.blog

Monday Apr 29, 2019

This episode looks at the concept of escaping the "rat race", as per the teachings of Jesus. So many people work and work and work to get more money, only to find that as their income increases, so do their expenses. Jesus, on the other hand, gave us the ultimate secret to escape the rat race, which this episode touches on. (Listen time: ~6 minutes)

Monday Apr 22, 2019

This podcast episode looks at 5 key points on forgiveness for listeners to act on. Forgiveness is one of the most talked about topics found in the life and teachings of Jesus. This episode looks at the subject from a Christian perspective, and should both inspire and inform people wanting to give and experience more forgiveness in their lives today. (Listen time: ~10 minutes) 

6 Ways to Witness for Christ

Thursday Apr 18, 2019

Thursday Apr 18, 2019

We all know we have been called to witness for Christ as Christians. (Acts 1:8, Mark 16:15) But many people are unsure about the best way to go about it. This episode looks at six unique ways to witness for Christ in the modern age, which viewers can consider. 
-- itsinsideyou.home.blog

Friday Apr 12, 2019

This episode looks at one of the most common verses used to argue for working for money. The verse is found in 2 Thessalonians 3:10, and is one of the most popular sayings attributed to the apostle Paul. Many Christians believe this cancels out what Jesus had to say against working for money. (Matthew 6:24, Luke 16:13) But is there a way to reconcile these two seemingly conflicting statements?
-- itsinsideyou.home.blog

Sunday Apr 07, 2019

This podcast episode looks at the Mark of the Beast prophecy (Revelation 13:16-18) in a generic sense. It highlights the most significant take away from the prophecy, and gives a practical tip to understanding the essence of any prophecy we find in the Bible. The sound is not as good as it could be since the episode was filmed on the road. Still, the content is worth hearing. (Listen time: ~7 minutes)
-- itsinsideyou.home.blog

But You Own Things!

Friday Mar 29, 2019

Friday Mar 29, 2019

This podcast addresses a question many have when they learn we preach the need to forsake all for Christ (Luke 14:33), and against working for money. (Matthew 6:24) They question, how then can you have clothes? Or a phone? Or a computer, etc.? Listen to the answer, as it's important to our understanding of what forsaking all for Christ really entails. (LISTEN TIME: 7 minutes)
- itsinsideyou.home.blog
Instagram: itsinsideyou3

Sunday Mar 24, 2019

This episode covers the challenge of letting go of material possessions to follow Christ. Starting with one of the most ignored teachings of Jesus (Luke 14:33), and moving on to the story of the rich young ruler, the narrator shows how forsaking what we own materially is a must to follow Christ.  (Listen time: 7 minutes)

How to Hear From God, Part 2

Saturday Mar 23, 2019

Saturday Mar 23, 2019

This is the second episode specific to the topic of how to hear from God. It outlines five additional ways to hear from God: (1) direct revelations; (2/3) circumstances & coincidences; (4) burdens; and (5) signs/miracles. Give it a listen, and don't forget to leave a comment if you have any questions or thoughts you want to share!

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